Areas of Expertise

Art Direction

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I’m Sighvatur Halldórsson AKA Hvati.

A husband and father of two boys. In my spare time I play the drums and during the summer I love to go fishing with my fly rods—I even tie my own flies.

I graduated as a graphic designer from LHÍ (Icelandic Academy of the Arts) in 2013 and started working at Hvíta húsið (advertising agency) before graduating. Previously I got a Multimedia Designer’s diploma from NoMA in Denmark in 2009. During my education at NoMA I had an internship at MediaPosse in San Francisco.

Here are some of my clients through the years:
Almannavarnir, Byggðastofnun, Eimskip, Garðabær, Grindavíkurbær, Icelandair, Isavia, Loftleiðir Icelandic, Mótorsport, MS, Stefna, Nói Siríus, Pitturinn, Spaðinn, Tandur, Valitor and Vita.

I’ve been teaching branding-seminars at the Iceland Academy of the Arts since 2022 in collaboration with Rósa Hrund, a co-worker of mine at Hvíta húsið.